Step 2: Attract

Create Curiosity that lead to Conversations

Step 2

Assignment #2:

Make your Colorblock Pinned Post!

Common Attraction FAQs:

What is a Social Engagement Sandwich?

The Social Engagement Sandwich includes a few simple actions taken BEFORE and AFTER you make a post on Social Media (especially Facebook). This a skill that anyone can learn and will get easier overtime. It's VERY important to do this during your 7 Day Launch!

BEFORE making a post of any kind:

1.) Comment on at least 10 Friends posts who are NOT in Partner Co

2.) Comment on at least 10 Friends stories who are NOT in Partner Co (found at the top of your Facebook Messenger)

BONUS: Send Birthday Messages to everyone you know on Facebook

AFTER making a post of any kind:

1.) Comment on at least 10 Friends posts who are NOT in Partner Co

2.) Comment on at least 10 Friends stories who are NOT in Partner Co (found at the top of your Facebook Messenger)

BONUS: Send 10 Direct Messages to Friends who are NOT in Partner Co (simply to say Hi, not sell or recruit)

How do I make a Colorblock Pinned Post?

Making a Colorblock Pinned Post is an extremely effective strategy for launching and promoting the benefits of our Body Balancing Drops or Business!

Colorblock Pinned Post Steps:

1.) Select a Pinned post which resonates with you from our Glory to Glory Boards App (Under Attract, Pinned Post Launch Plan):

2.) Copy the WORDS, not the image

3.) Go to your Personal Facebook wall

4.) Paste the words and choose a colored background (bright is best)

5.) Post your Colorblock Post

6.) Go back to the post and click the three dots on the top right

7.) Pin the Post (you'll go back to this and add testimonials in the comments)

Here is a short video:

What should I post daily?

Using social media to grow your business comes down to ONE thing: Consistency.

We recommend posting a minimum of TWO times per day with the Social Engagement Sandwich on Facebook and if using other platforms at least ONCE per day (can be the same post on different platforms).

1.) One AM Post (8-10am): Engagement (ask a question) or Lifestyle (something you've done, are excited about or have a life update)

2.) One PM Post (4-7pm): Product Benefit (something you want to highlight or share), Testimonial (story of success using the products), Business (why you are loving the business side of Partner Co) or Celebration (something you or someone else accomplished).

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